曼联 Security Summit to Explore Truth, 谎言 和 Decisions in an Insecure World

Dan Heath, 高清摩尔, Dave Kennedy 和 温蒂纳 Lead Speaker Line Up

波士顿, MA — 2012年8月22日

Rapid7, the leading provider of security risk intelligence solutions, today announced the complete agenda for the annual 曼联 Security Summit on September 12-14, 2012年在旧金山君悦酒店, CA. 曼联, which st和s for “Using New Ideas to Empower Defenders” will bring together IT managers, 领先的安全专业人员, 创新创业, 开源项目, 和 academics to foster open collaboration 和 innovation in addressing the ever-changing security l和scape. 今年的主题, “真相, 谎言, 和 Decisions: Moving Forward in an Insecure World” will discuss the need for open information sharing to move forward in addressing modern security challenges, 和 the role that hype 和 deception play in derailing security operations.

“It is important to be open 和 honest so that the decisions made within an organization 和 the collaboration that occurs in the workplace every day really is beneficial 和 forward-moving,马克·阿诺德说, a Boston OWASP chapter lead that attended the 2011 曼联 Security Summit. Mark is attending this year's event 和 in a recent 博客 he added: “I hear the same oft-repeated mantras about 'how we should change mindsets 和 paradigms in this industry.' 曼联 provides the perfect arena to openly discuss 和 unite the security community for honest, 连续, 和 insightful discussions about what the large picture 和 practices should be.”

符合真理的主题, 谎言, 和决定, the 曼联 keynote will be presented by Dan Heath, 获奖作者, 记者, 和 speaker best known for co-writing best-sellers Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard 和 Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive 和 其他s Die. Dan is known for his unique way of blending practical information with a funny 和 motivational style.

A number of researchers 和 从业人员 working in the trenches of information security will present insights based on their latest findings 和 h和s-on experiences. 例如, 高清摩尔, Rapid7的CSO, will present findings from a research project that has involved scanning the internet for the past four months. 温蒂纳, 分析公司的研究主管, 451个研究, will explain “Why Doing Application Security Remediation Is Like Building a Rube Goldberg Machine,戴夫·肯尼迪, 信任edSec的创始人和负责人, will advise attendees on “Going on the Offensive.”Attendees will also hear from security end-users, 如, 鲍勃·鲁迪, who will explain how he designs a compelling 和 effective security awareness program for Liberty Mutual.

今年的主题 will also be explored through interactive sessions 如 “Debates: Truth & 谎言 in Security,” which has been included as a nod to the election year. This session will have panel members defending a 'True' or 'False' stance on prepared or audience-submitted statements surrounding controversial security issues. 除了, 会议的最后一届会议, “Nuggets of Wisdom: Take Aways from 曼联” will provide panel 和 audience members with a chance to share truths 和 谎言 they have had confirmed or discounted by others at the event, 和 talk about steps to take going forward with this fresh information.

The 曼联 Security Summit will also encourage networking 和 relaxed discussions among security executives, 从业人员, 通过演讲成为思想领袖, 互动式专家提问小组, 中讨论, 以及现实生活中的案例研究. Content throughout the conference will emphasize the application of best practices in an organization, 用最先进的方式来看待数据, 和 how to make decisions in complex environments. Attendees of the 曼联 Security Summit will be eligible for up to 16 CPE credits, depending on the number of sessions they attend. On Wednesday, September 12, there will be the 曼联 Security Summit Party.


Rapid7 security analytics software 和 services reduce threat exposure 和 detect compromise for 3,遍及78个国家的000个组织, 其中包括财富1000强中的250多位. We underst和 the attacker better than anyone 和 build that insight into our solutions to improve risk management 和 stop threats faster. We offer advanced capabilities for vulnerability management, 渗透测试, 控制评估, incident detection 和 investigation across your assets 和 users for virtual, 移动, 私有云和公共云网络. To learn more about Rapid7 or get involved in our threat research, visit mucid.heinekenbeerfriender.com.
